We understand that it can be difficult when having to discuss your pet’s quality of life. While it is never any easy topic, our staff is here to accompany you and your pet family through these hard times. Whether your pet is ill, suddenly injured beyond recovery, reached its golden years, or a sudden accident occurs, we are here for you.
At Grand Montecito Animal Hospital we assess your pet’s Quality of Life. This scale serves as a guide to help determine options for treatment (if any), hospice care, and even electing euthanasia.
Behavior: Does your pet react different to you or other people around (aggressive, stand offish)? Do they try to hide?
Happiness: Does your pet express joy and interest in things such as family, engaging in favorite activities?
Hurt: Are pain and breathing ability being adequately managed?
Hunger: Is your pet eating? If so, is your pet eating enough?
Hydration: Is your pet drinking enough and maintaining hydration?
Hygiene: Is your pet maintaining his or her grooming habits? Is your pet able to get up and relieve themselves on their own?
Mobility: Does your pet move around without any assistance? Do they express any pain when being mobilized or when moving around?
More Bad Days than Good: Does your pet have more bad days than good?
We offer quality of life consultations when it becomes difficult for your pet to continue living a happy and pain-free life. At Grand Montecito Animal Hospital, we want to ensure all capabilities of medical services have been exhausted and euthanasia is the only way to prevent an animal from suffering. Our doctors and staff want you to know that our hospice and euthanasia services are conducted with compassion and respect.